Our experts apply the knowledge, skills, and experience needed in the performance of consulting and auditing services. They exhibit the highest level of professional objectivity in gathering, evaluating, and communicating information about the activity or process being examined.
The integrity of our international team establishes trust and thus provides the basis for reliance on their judgment.
To be effective one must be independent and objective both in actuality and perception. Consultants shall not participate in any activity or relationship that may impair or be presumed to impair their unbiased assessment. They have to make a balanced assessment of all the relevant circumstances and information.
Our experts respect the value and ownership of information they receive and do not disclose information without appropriate authority unless there is a legal or professional obligation to do so.
Everyone has his strengths and his preferences. We see this as a particular strength of our international team. We do not believe in one-day-one-person audits. Usually we have a specialist for production, one for the laboratory and one for QA documents. We complement one another and can thus obtain a comprehensive picture of the situation.